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Scala CLI as implementation for scala command

Scala CLI is designed to be a replacement for script that is currently installed as scala. Since Scala CLI is feature-packed we do not want to expose all of the features and options to the whole Scala public at the very start. Why is that?

  • We want to make sure that the options / commands are stable
  • We do not want to overwhelm users with multiple options and commands
  • We want to make sure that the commands we add to scala are stable so once we commited to supporting given option it may be hard to remove it later

That is why we built in a mechanism to limit the commands, options, directives based if Scala CLI is run as scala or scala-cli. Mainly for SIP submission we have prepared a pages with supported options, commands and using directives when running Scala CLI as scala or scala-cli-sip.

Testing Scala CLI as scala

The recommended way to test and use Scala CLI, as it will be scala command is to create a link to the existing Scala CLI binary named scala-cli-sip and add it to PATH.

In future it will be also possible to use coursier as well, for now there is a bug and Scala CLI does not recognize it is installed as scala-cli-sip or scala when installed using coursier.